Cada divendres un tema bàsic de la societat, l’art i el clown de la mà del mestre de mestres, Jango Edwards.
Estarà acompanyat en cada una de les sessions per artistes convidats que compartiran no només escenari sinó també confidències i reflexions sobre el show business (el nose business en concret).
Les sessions es podran veure presencialment a la sala, o en streaming.
28/08: “The World According to Mr. E-the importance of being you by seeing me.” Special guest-Cristi Garbo
04/09 “Hokey Pokey -White Nose Clown- Sacred Payasas¨ Special guests-Pepa Plana, Claudia Cantone
11/09 “The Logic of the ill Logic-excuse me but before I can talk to you let me tell you something” Special guests-Mario Gas and Albert de la Torre.
18/09.“Hakuna Matata-The Beast in You” Special guests-Johnny Melville, Roberto Olivan, Leo Bassi.
18/09. “Re-inclownation-Smile-a Weapon of Mass Construction” Special guests-Andreu Buenafuente, Tortell Poltrona